The Azem Palace in Damascus, one of the main Reasons to Visit Syria
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The 25+ Best Reasons to Visit Syria in 2024

If you’ve been considering a truly off-the-beaten-track destination for your next vacation, let me make a case for Syria. Rich with historical treasures, breathtaking landscapes, and warm, welcoming locals, this country is full of unique experiences that promise to make your visit unforgettable.

In this article you’ll find 25 compelling reasons to visit Syria in 2024. While Syria has faced its share of trials, it is a country with an enduring spirit and an incredible capacity to rebuild and renew. 2024 is the time to see it in all its glory!

How to Travel to Syria in 2024

The first thing you should know about traveling to Syria is that since 2018, you must organize your trip with a local tour operator. 

We chose to do our trip with Golden Team Syria. They have one of the most reputable travel agencies in the country. They took care of everything for us before we arrived. They were excellent professionals and tried their best to fulfill every request that we had. 

A driver and guide were solely dedicated to our trip, and they eventually became our friends. Sally and Abo Azad, if you are reading this, thank you for making this trip unforgettable. 

I will definitely choose Golden Team again next time I will be traveling to Syria, and I would highly recommend them. You can find more information on their website. Just tell them the places you would like to visit and the days you have available, and they will try to make the best program possible.

Is It Safe To Travel To Syria In 2024?

This is one of the most common questions I got asked from everyone who knew about me traveling to Syria. The answer is rather complicated.

While the Syrian Government has gained back control of the majority of the country, there are still a few places occupied by rebel groups. However, the only places you are allowed to visit when traveling to Syria as a tourist are the ones that belong to the Government. These places have been out of the conflict for quite some time and are safe to visit.

During the entire time I was exploring Syria, I felt as safe as everywhere else I’ve been. For me, it was no different from any other Middle Eastern country. 

One of the first things that has to come to your mind when planning a trip is insurance.

Safetywing’s Nomad Insurance is one of the best options available out there. With a maximum coverage of 365 days, they are a great option whether you are a Nomad or not! They offer very low rates, but excellent coverage and immediate support (in a few minutes!). The best part? Nomad Insurance can be purchased even if you have left your home country already.

Lastly, they also cover extreme sports, something that can come in very handy if you are an adventurous soul.

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*please note that Nomad Insurance does not cover travel to Syria. However, they are an excellent option for the rest of your trips.

As long as you are with your guide and listen to what they advise you, you‘ll be alright. You will pass many checkpoints and see a lot of soldiers around, but they are there to protect you. You’ll always be greeted with a smile and a warm “Welcome.”

There have been a few moments of tension in recent years. However, the Government always canceled visa approvals whenever they thought the country was unsafe for visitors.

Obviously, I cannot guarantee anyone’s safety when traveling to Syria, and you always travel at your own risk. However, I can say that there was no place in the country where I felt insecure, even a tiny bit.

Is It Ethical to Travel to Syria?

Now, let’s get to the tough part. There has been a long-lasting debate on whether traveling to Syria (or any other country that has suffered in the past few years) is ethical. Even for a long time after deciding to plan this trip, I had only one question in my mind: “Am I doing the right thing?”. 

Many people asked me if I had thought this through, and many others condemned this trip and deemed it wrong or irresponsible before it started. After spending a few days in this fantastic country and having the chance to speak with a few people, I think I have my answer. You can find it in my article on traveling to Syria.

How has Syria changed as a Travel destination for 2024?

Syria has undergone significant changes in the past few years, transforming into a unique travel destination. The country has been investing heavily in its tourism sector, rebuilding its historical sites, and promoting its rich culture and history to attract more visitors.

Syria’s historic sites, many of which were damaged during the conflict, have been mostly restored. The ancient city of Palmyra, the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, and the Citadel of Aleppo are among the sites that have been rehabilitated, allowing visitors to once again marvel at these celebrations of Syria’s ancient civilizations.

The country’s infrastructure has seen significant improvements, making travel within Syria easier and more comfortable. New hotels, restaurants, and transportation systems have been established, catering to a variety of budgets and preferences.

Syria has also been working to ensure the safety and security of visitors. The country has massively improved its safety standards in the past few years. And that’s one of the good reasons to visit Syria.

Lastly, Syria’s hospitality sector has also seen a resurgence, with Syrians eager to share their culture and traditions with visitors. The warmth and hospitality of the Syrian people is a key part of the travel experience.

What are the Best Times of the year to visit Syria?

A coffee house in Damascus, Syria. Locals have gathered in this serene morning to enjoy their coffee

Syria, situated in the Middle East, experiences a Mediterranean climate along the coast and a desert climate in the east. This means that the best times to visit Syria are during the spring and fall seasons when the weather is most pleasant.

Spring, from March to May, is a particularly good time to visit Syria. The temperatures are moderate, making it comfortable for sightseeing and exploring the country’s rich history. The landscape is also at its most beautiful during this time, with wildflowers blooming across the countryside. Fall, from September to November, is another ideal time to visit Syria. The weather is similar to spring.

Visiting Syria in the winter, from December to February, can also be an option for those who enjoy cooler weather. However, it’s worth noting that many areas can experience heavy rainfall or snowfall, and the desert regions can get quite cold at night.

Summer, from June to August, is the hottest time to visit Syria, with high temperatures that can often be insufferable. However, if you plan to visit the coastal areas, the Mediterranean Sea can provide a refreshing respite from the heat.

25 Reasons to Visit Syria in 2024

1. Syria has a Rich History

Syria’s strategic location, at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, has made it a melting pot of various cultures and civilizations. Over the centuries, it has been home to the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs, among others.

Indeed, Syria is a country with a rich and diverse history that spans thousands of years. It is considered to be “The Cardle of Civilisation”, with archaeological evidence suggesting human activity dating back to the Paleolithic era.

Furthermore, Syria’s history has left a legacy of remarkable architectural styles. From the Roman ruins in Palmyra and the Crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers to the Ottoman-era houses in Aleppo and the modernist architecture of Damascus, Syria offers a visual journey through time.

Syria’s rich history is also reflected in its diverse cultural heritage. The country’s music, dance, literature, and cuisine have been influenced by its various ethnic and religious communities, including Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, and Druze, as well as Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

2. For the Archaeological Sites

Among the reasons to visit Syria is its archaeological treasures. The country is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the ancient cities of Damascus and Aleppo.

Jumping right in, can you imagine visiting the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus? One of the largest, oldest and holiest mosques in the world, it is a sight to behold and definitely a must-add to your Syria 2024 travel itinerary. Trust me, this is one experience that you’ll carry in your heart long after you’ve dusted the travel off your shoes. 

Heading north, let’s time travel in Aleppo. Once battered by war, the Citadel of Aleppo now stands tall and proud again. 

3. For the Ancient Ruins

The ruins of the old city of Palmyra, Syria. A line of colums

Syria is a treasure trove of ancient ruins, reflecting its rich history and diverse cultural influences. One of the most iconic is the city of Palmyra, a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its unique blend of Graeco-Roman and Persian influences.

Palmyra’s location in the middle of the Syrian desert adds to its beauty. The stark contrast between the golden sand dunes and the city’s stone ruins creates a majestic landscape. This also makes it an excellent destination for photographers and nature lovers.

Despite the damage it suffered during the Syrian civil war, as it was captured by ISIS twice, restoration efforts are underway to revive Palmyra’s historical sites. These efforts symbolize the resilience and determination of the Syrian people, adding a layer of depth to your visit.

4. For the Roman Architecture

Syria is a paradise for Roman architecture enthusiasts. The country was a significant part of the Roman Empire, and as such, it hosts plenty of Roman ruins.

One of the most notable sites is the city of Bosra, which is home to one of the most well-preserved Roman Theater of Bosra. This second-century AD theater could seat up to 15,000 spectators and is considered one of the best-preserved Roman theaters in the world.

Syria also houses the ruins of Apamea, an ancient city that was once one of the largest in the Roman Empire. The city’s main street, lined with columns for over two kilometers, offers a glimpse into the scale of Roman urban planning.

Lastly, Syria’s capital, Damascus, also bears the imprint of Roman architecture. The city was an important hub of the Roman Empire, and it still retains elements of its Roman past, such as the eastern gate of the city, which was part of the Roman city wall.

5. For the Breathtaking Landscapes 

Experiencing the country’s natural beauty is among the reasons to visit Syria. From the Mediterranean coastline to the desert landscapes, Syria offers a variety of different options. You’ve got deserts, mountains, coastal stretches, and green fields all rolled into one stunning country.

Feeling like you’ve seen it all? Looking for something different? Well, get ready to change your Instagram feed game because Syria’s landscapes are anything but ordinary.

Picture yourself driving through scenic routes, flanked by olive trees on one side and breathtaking mountains on the other. Or getting lost at the endless horizon of the Syrian desert. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

6. For the Art and Culture

As one of the oldest inhabited regions on the planet, Syria offers a proud artistic culture that spans more than four thousand years. From Bronze Age artworks to contemporary art installations, Syria is a paradise for art lovers.

7. For the Grand Souks

The Souk al-Hamidiyya in Damascus, Syria. A place packed with locals to do their shopping

The Grand Souks, or traditional markets, are a very important part of Syrian culture. They are a labyrinth of narrow alleyways lined with small shops selling everything from spices and textiles to jewelry and antiques. The souks are a social hub where locals gather to chat, bargain, and exchange news.

Many of the shops are housed in centuries-old buildings, and the traditional methods of trade are still very much in practice. You’ll see artisans at work, creating beautiful handicrafts, and vendors haggling over prices with customers.

One of the most famous is the Souk al-Hamidiyya in Damascus, which is known for its iconic iron entrance and its wide range of goods. As you walk through it, you’ll be captivated by the aroma of spices, the glitter of gold jewelry, and the rich colors of the textiles.

Another must-visit is the Souk al-Madina in Aleppo, one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and a standing proof to the city’s historical role as a crossroads of culture and trade.

Visiting the Grand Souks also offers a chance to sample Syrian cuisine. Many souks have food stalls selling local delicacies like falafel, shawarma, and sweet pastries. You can also find vendors selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and local produce.

8. For a Spiritual Journey

Syria is a land steeped in spiritual history. It is home to numerous religious sites that are significant to multiple faiths, making it a unique destination for a spiritual journey.

Despite being predominantly Islamic, Syria boasts an array of religious sites, including churches and synagogues, reflecting the country’s religious diversity. These sacred places, with their stunning designs and peaceful atmospheres, enrich the nation’s cultural tapestry.

Whether you’re religious or not, the majestic mosques, ancient churches, and sacred places like Ma’loula, a village where the ancient language of Aramaic is still spoken, will leave you feeling inspired.

9. For the Cuisine

Food is one of the irresistible reasons to visit Syria. I can safely say that Syrian food is some of the best I’ve ever had in my life! The country’s cuisine is a blend of Middle Eastern flavors, with dishes like hummus, falafel, and shawarma being popular.

10. For the World-class Museums

Immerse yourself in Syrian history and culture by exploring its various museums. The National Museum of Damascus, for instance, is a must-visit for anyone interested in the richness of Syrian history.

It houses an extensive collection of artifacts spanning from the prehistoric era to the Islamic period, offering a comprehensive overview of the region’s past. It is one of the most interesting museums I have ever visited, and it was suprisingly well-preserved and modern.

11. For the Rich Craft Traditions 

Syria is home to a rich craft tradition that dates back thousands of years. This includes the art of inlaying wood with mother-of-pearl, a technique that is still practiced by skilled artisans in the old city of Damascus. The intricate designs and patterns created by these craftsmen are a testament to their skill and dedication.

Another craft tradition that is alive and well in Syria is the weaving of traditional textiles. In the city of Aleppo, you can find weavers creating beautiful fabrics on old-fashioned looms. These textiles are often used to make traditional Syrian clothing.

Finally, Syria is also home to a vibrant tradition of metalwork. This includes everything from the crafting of traditional swords and daggers to the creation of intricate silver jewelry. Syria’s skilled craftsmen and women breathe life into age-old craft traditions. 

12. It is Home of the best Soap in the world

a bucket of Aleppo Soap, a traditional syrian produce, in a local shop

Aleppo soap has a rich, thousands year old, history. Originating from the city of Aleppo, this soap is one of the oldest in the world and is renowned for its unique properties and traditional manufacturing process.

The process of making Aleppo soap is a labor-intensive one, passed down through generations. The soap is made by hand, using a cold-process method that preserves the benefits of its natural ingredients. After being poured and spread out, it is cut into cubes and stamped with the soap maker’s seal.

Aleppo soap is primarily made from olive oil and laurel oil. The olive oil acts as a moisturizer, nourishing the skin, while the laurel oil has antiseptic properties, making the soap beneficial for those with skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis. It is, for me, the best gift to bring back home!

13. For the Warm Hospitality

Another one of the reasons to visit Syria is its warm hospitality. Syrians are known for their welcoming nature and their eagerness to share their culture with visitors. Despite the hardships they’ve endured, Syrians are known for their friendliness and hospitality.

Interactions with the locals will undoubtedly form some of your best memories from the trip. Understanding and experiencing Syrian hospitality first-hand will definitely add a personal touch to your journey.

14. For the Music and Dance

Learning about the country’s traditional music and dance is one of the reasons to visit Syria. These art forms are an integral part of Syrian culture and offer a unique experience for visitors.

From traditional folk tunes to contemporary Syrian pop music, the country music scene is about to captivate you. Similarly, the traditional Syrian dances will surely delight you. Don’t hesitate to join in, it’s a great way to connect with the locals.

15. Because you’ll be helping the locals

Visiting Syria in 2024 will indeed help the locals in numerous ways. When you visit, you’re directly contributing to the local economy by spending on accommodations, dining, shopping, and other services.

By choosing to visit Syria, you’re also supporting the rebuilding efforts of a nation that has been through a significant amount of turmoil. The revenue generated from tourism can be used to rebuild infrastructure, restore historic and cultural sites, and improve public services.

16. Because it is not Ovetrouristy yet

Syria, argely due to the country’s recent history, remains relatively untouched by mass tourism. However, as the situation improves, more and more travelers are beginning to discover the unique charms of this Middle Eastern country.

Syria offers an authentic travel experience that is increasingly hard to find in more popular tourist destinations. Here, you can explore ancient ruins, bustling markets, and stunning landscapes without having to contend with large crowds or the commercialization that often accompanies mass tourism.

17. Because It is Very affordable

Holding 150 dollars in Syrian Lira. The country faces severe inflation

Syria is actually a very affordable country to visit. It is for sure the cheapest country I have been to so far. A full traditional meal for 3-4 people at a middle-to-high-end restaurant will set you back around 15-20$ in total. A sandwich will cost around 1-2$, and a soda 1$ tops. 

Small souvenirs like keychains etc., cost around 0.5$ per piece. As you can see, traveling to Syria on a budget can be very easy. However, there are more expensive and high-end options if you are a person who likes luxury and more expensive options.

18. For the Personal Growth

Syria offers a unique opportunity for personal growth. As a visitor, you will be exposed to a rich and diverse culture. This exposure can broaden your perspective, challenge your preconceived notions, and foster a greater understanding of the world.

Learning the Arabic language, even just a few phrases, can be a rewarding challenge. It can also open doors to deeper connections with the local people. This can be a powerful way to develop your communication skills and cultural sensitivity.

19. For the Educational Experiences

Syria, as a nation at the heart of the Middle East, has been a significant player in the region’s geopolitics. Visiting Syria can provide a unique perspective on these dynamics. The country’s historical and contemporary political relationships with its neighbors are a microcosm of the larger Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape.

20. For the Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

Sustainable tourism initiatives are a critical aspect of travel in the modern world, and Syria is no exception. These initiatives aim to ensure that tourism has a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy of the host country. In Syria, there are several sustainable tourism initiatives that travelers can support.

21. For the Ice Cream

Bakdash is a famous ice cream shop in the Al-Hamidiyah Souq. Established in 1895, it is known for serving some of the most delicious and traditional Syrian ice cream. 

What sets Bagdash ice cream apart is its unique texture, achieved by using mastic, an extract from the mastic tree, and sahlab, a flour made from the roots of the plant orchid. These ingredients give the ice cream a distinct chewy quality, making it quite different from the typical creamy texture ice creams. 

The most popular flavor is the “Arabic ice cream,” served with pistachios and sweet syrup.

Bagdash is a historic and charming shop that’s loved by locals and visitors. In fact, it is so famous and loved that, during the war, another branch was built in Amman to serve Syrian refugees! 

22. To Witness the Evil Face of War

A destroyed mosque in the old city of Palmyra, Syria

Witnessing the remnants of war is not about glorifying conflict, but rather understanding its impact and learning from history. Syria, having experienced a devastating civil war, offers a unique perspective on the resilience of humanity and the power of rebuilding.

Visiting Syria allows you to see firsthand the effects of war, including the destruction of infrastructure and historical sites. This can be a powerful reminder of the cost of conflict and the importance of peace.

Syria’s war-torn cities, such as Aleppo and Homs, are slowly being rebuilt. Visiting these places offers a glimpse into the process of recovery and the strength of the Syrian people in the face of adversity.

23. For the drinking culture

This might sound surprising, but Syria has a lively and diverse drinking culture. 

Influenced mainly by Syria’s Christian minority, Damascus is home to many bars and clubs, like those in Europe. These bars provide a relaxed atmosphere for socializing, making them a central part of Damascus’s vibrant nightlife scene.

Afamia, a beer produced in Syria, is surely one to be noticed! Local wines and arak (like the Greek ouzo) are also popular choices you must try during your time in Syria. 

24. To hear a fairytale at a traditional cafe

Syria is a land of rich history and vibrant culture, and one of the best ways to immerse yourself in this is by visiting a traditional Syrian café. These cafés are not just places to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, but are also social hubs where locals gather to share stories, play games, and engage in lively discussions.

Listening to a fairytale at a traditional café is a unique experience that transports you to the magical world of Middle Eastern folklore. Storytelling is an integral part of Syrian culture, and these tales often feature moral lessons, heroic deeds, and enchanting characters. They are narrated by skilled storytellers who captivate their audience with their expressive narration and dramatic gestures.

25. Because you Can attend a traditional Syrian Wedding

Syrian weddings are known for their vibrant atmosphere, filled with music, dance, and delicious food. It’s an opportunity to witness the rich cultural traditions of Syria firsthand.

What are the best places to visit in Syria in 2024?

1. Damascus

The Umayyad Mosque yard in Damascus. One of the best reasons to visit Syria

Damascus, the capital of Syria, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Its rich history and cultural heritage make it a must-visit destination. The city is home to numerous historical sites, including the Umayyad Mosque, one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world.

Damascus is also known for its vibrant souks or markets. Souk Al-Hamidiyah, the largest souk in Syria, is a place where you can find everything from spices and textiles to traditional handicrafts. If you want to find the best things to do in Damascus, you can read my guide to Syria’s majestic capital.

2. Aleppo

The Aleppo Citadel in the afternoon. Locals gather around to drink coffee and socialize

Aleppo is the second biggest city in Syria, dating back to the 6th millennium BC. Its rich history and cultural heritage make it a must-visit place in Syria. You can find all the reasons to visit this legendary city in my comprehensive guide.

Aleppo’s Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a place full of ancient architecture and historical sites. The Citadel of Aleppo, a large medieval fortified palace, is one of the most iconic landmarks of the city. It offers a stunning panoramic view of Aleppo and provides a glimpse into the city’s past.

Aleppo is also known for its vibrant and bustling souks. These traditional markets are a sensory delight, offering a wide range of goods from spices and textiles to handmade crafts and jewelry.

3. Palmyra

Ruins in Palmyra, Syria. A well preserved wall

Palmyra is an ancient city located in the middle of the Syrian desert. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important cultural centers of the ancient world.

Palmyra has a rich cultural history. It was the home of Queen Zenobia, who led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire. The city’s museum houses many artifacts from this period, including statues, jewelry, and coins.

Despite the great damage inflicted during the Syrian Civil War, restoration efforts have been underway to preserve and restore Palmyra’s historic sites. The city remains a symbol of Syria’s rich history and resilience. You can learn more about visiting Palmyra in 2024 in my travel guide dedicated to the sight.

4. Homs 

A few buildings in the center of the city of Homs, Syria. They are destroyed because they were caught in the crossfire

Homs, also known as the ‘capital of the revolution,’ is a city in Syria that holds a significant historical and cultural value. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back to the 3rd millennium BC.

Homs is home to several ancient sites, including the Great Mosque of al-Nuri, which was built in the 11th century. The mosque is an architectural marvel with its intricate designs and towering minarets. Find out why Homs is more than just a stop-over here.

5. Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers, one of the best preserved medieval castles in the world, as seen from a hill far away

Krak des Chevaliers is one of the most well-preserved medieval castles in the world. Located in western Syria, it stands as a testament to the architectural ability of the Crusaders who built it in the 11th century.

The castle’s strategic location on a 650-meter-high hill allowed its inhabitants to control the surrounding area. Its architecture reflects both European and Middle Eastern influences, with its combination of Romanesque and Gothic styles, and adaptations to local conditions and techniques. It is one of the best archaeological sites I’ve ever visited, for sure.

6. Ma’loula

Ma’loula is a small town located about 56 km to the northeast of Damascus. It’s one of the few places in the world where Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ, is still spoken.

Maaloula is nestled into the mountainside at an altitude of more than 1500 meters, making it one of the highest towns in Syria. This gives it a unique landscape, with blue skies above and rocky terrains around.

The town is known for its historical and cultural richness. It’s home to two of the oldest surviving monasteries in Syria: Mar Sarkis and Mar Taqla. These monasteries still function and are open to visitors, offering a glimpse into the ancient Christian heritage of Syria.

Mar Sarkis is dedicated to Saints Sergius and Bacchus, who were Roman soldiers martyred in the 4th century for their Christian faith. The monastery is built into the rock, giving it a unique and striking appearance.

Mar Taqla monastery is dedicated to St. Thecla, a disciple of St. Paul who is revered in the Eastern Orthodox Church. According to tradition, the saint escaped her persecutors by hiding in a mountainous area, which then miraculously opened to protect her. The monastery is said to house the remains of St. Thecla.

Maaloula is also a place of pilgrimage for both Christians and Muslims. The monasteries are revered by both communities, and the town is a living example of religious coexistence and tolerance.

7. Tartous

Tartous, located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria, is one of the country’s most significant port cities. It is known for its rich history, dating back to the 2nd millennium BC, and its unique blend of cultures, making it an intriguing destination for travelers.

Tartous is home to the historic Crusader-era Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa, which has been converted into a museum. The museum showcases a collection of artifacts and exhibits that provide insight into the city’s past and the various civilizations that have influenced it.

The city’s coastal location offers beautiful beaches and a warm Mediterranean climate. The beaches are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a relaxing environment and a variety of water sports activities.

The city’s old town, with its narrow, winding streets and traditional architecture, is a must-visit. Here, you can experience the local culture, shop for traditional Syrian crafts, and enjoy local cuisine.

8. Apamea

Apamea is an ancient city that dates back to the Hellenistic period, founded by one of Alexander the Great’s generals, Seleucus Nicator, in the 3rd century BC. The city was named after his Persian wife, Apama.

Apamea was once a very important city, a significant stop on the Silk Road, and a hub for philosophy and culture. It was known for its architectural beauty, with a two-kilometer-long main street lined with columns, some of which still stand today. The street is lined with hundreds of columns, each standing 9 meters tall, which once held statues and busts of prominent figures.

You can also explore the remains of the city’s great theater, which could seat up to 20,000 spectators. Apamea also offers a significant number of mosaics, which are housed in the city’s museum. These mosaics depict a variety of scenes, from mythological tales to everyday life, providing a fascinating insight into the city’s past.

9. Bosra

The ruins of an ancient theatre in Bosra, a captivating destination for history enthusiasts and cultural explorers.

Bosra, located in southern Syria, is a city steeped in history and culture. It was once the capital of the Roman province of Arabia and was an important stopover on the ancient route to Mecca. Today, it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for history lovers.

Bosra is home to a second-century Roman Theatre, one of the best-preserved Roman theatres in the world. With a seating capacity of up to 15,000 people, it’s a testament to the architectural prowess of the Roman Empire. 

Another reason to visit Bosra is the Al-Omari Mosque, one of the oldest surviving mosques in Islamic history. Originally a Roman basilica, it was converted into a mosque after the Islamic conquest of Syria. Its simple yet elegant design is proof of the early Islamic architectural style.

Bosra is also home to several other historical and archaeological sites, including the Roman baths, the Citadel of Bosra, and the ruins of the ancient city. These sites offer many reasons to pay a visit.

While Bosra is not under government control, it is fairly easy and safe to visit. So, you have nothing to worry about.

10. Hama

A water wheel in a stone building next to a river in Hama, Syria.

Hama is a city in west-central Syria that is famous for its 17 Norias, large water wheels that have been used since the Byzantine era. These Norias, some of which are still functional, are a unique sight and provide a unique insight into the ancient water management systems.

11. Masyaf

Masyaf is a city in western Syria most notably known for its castle. If this name sounds familiar it is because it is the same Masyaf castle from the famous “Assassins Creed” video game franchise.

Masyaf was which once the stronghold of the Assassins, a medieval sect of Ismaili Shia Muslims. The castle is well-preserved and offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. Visitors can explore the castle’s many rooms, towers, and courtyards, and learn about the history of the Assassins and their unique way of life.

12. Latakia

Latakia, located on Syria’s Mediterranean coast, is a city that offers unique natural beauty. Today, it is known for its port, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife. It is one of the best places in the country to enjoy calm vacation by the beachside.

Final Thougts

Syria, the Cardle of civilisation, certainly has all the right reasons to secure a place on your 2024 travel itinerary. With its captivating history, intriguing culture, breathtaking sights, and so much more, Syria promises an unforgettable voyage of discovery.

Remember, every journey you take contributes to the local economy, and your visit could make a world of difference in rebuilding this beautiful country. So why not journey off the beaten track, ignite your curiosity, and enrich your life with unique experiences? It’s time to make unforgettable memories in Syria in 2024!

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